
人と時代を見つめ、食品流通業界の革新に向けて、行動し続けます。We will challenge to innovate the food distribution industry with keeping an eye on the rapid change of times and persons.


As the needs of the consumer change quickly, the food culture is increasingly diversified and subdivided. In 1950, we established our company as a wholesaler of marine products. Since then, we have kept our management system consistent in the field of wholesale, processing, retail, physical distribution, storage and in the decision of setting our various centers of sales and distribution. We have progressed so far dealing with various foodstuffs according to the flow in times. It is our basic posture to act sincerely, putting ourselves in the consumer's place in any times. For the affluent food culture, we will continue our efforts to innovate the food distribution industry.

青山 尚正


  • うそ、だまし、ごまかしのない、「誠」の心で。
  • 商道に励み、取引先、一般消費者と共に栄えることを願う。
  • 生涯かけてこの道を歩いていこう。


  • 我々は、消費者の声を反映します。
  • 我々は小さな成功を共に分かちあえる喜びを築きます。
  • 我々は世の人々の生活の探検者であり生活を企画するアシスタントです。
  • 我々は世の人々に合う豊かさを提供する奉仕者です。
  • 我々は世の人々の信頼を得るため人の立場に立ってものを申します。
  1. We are reflected by the voice of consumers.
  2. We will build up the happiness to share in a small success with our clients and consumers.
  3. We are an explorer of life for people and its assistant planner.
  4. We heartily serve wealth to people.
  5. Our remark always stands in people's place so that we may be trusted by them.